Why does firefox not responding
Why does firefox not responding

  1. #Why does firefox not responding software
  2. #Why does firefox not responding free

#Why does firefox not responding software

Many software have some state in working memory that is prudent to save to disk upon termination. This is actually normal and expected behavious of software. that also means that firefox will not disappear instantly from the list of processes. If you kill firefox (without -9) then firefox will try to shutdown quickly but it will still do some maintenance work like deleting the lockfiles.

#Why does firefox not responding free

Among other work that firefox is doing at this time is to remove the lockfiles so that the profile will be free to use for the next invocation of firefox. also that firefox is using a lot of processor at this time.

why does firefox not responding

If you observe the processes (for example using top) you will notice firefox not disappearing immediately from the process list. If you close firefox normally it will do some maintenance work before actually shutting down. it is just the lockfiles that are left over from a previous instance that for whatever reason were not deleted correctly. Sometimes there really are no other firefox instances running. It does not check whether there actually are firefox processes running. The error message can be misleading because firefox only checks for the lockfiles. If there already are lockfiles then firefox will assume that this profile is used by another instance of firefox and show the (potentially misleading) error message that there already is an instance running. If there are no lockfiles then firefox will place lockfiles and start normally. If you start firefox it will check for the lockfiles first. The lockfiles are there to prevent two instances of firefox accessing the same profile at the same time. įor more explanation about why not kill -9 see this question and answer: When should I not kill -9 a process?.įirefox maintains lockfiles in the profile directory.

why does firefox not responding why does firefox not responding

For more information see this mozillazine article. If you are sure that firefox is killed (check with pgrep -fl firefox) you can manually remove the lockfiles from your profile. You try to keep killing firefox which has no effect because there is no firefox process running.You are confused by the error message and think that firefox was not killed previously.The new firefox process sees the lockfiles in the profile directory and thinks that another firefox process is still running and refuses to start with a misleading error message.I think this is what happened in your case: Your trouble "killing" firefox is likely be a result of a previous kill -9 (or pkill -9). Do not use kill -9 if not absolutely necessary.

Why does firefox not responding